Pupil Premium
The Government provides extra support for these children through Pupil Premium funding. The following information is taken from the DFE website (further information can be found on this website)
Pupil Premium is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable. It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.
Barriers to learning
A group of KS2 pupils were surveyed. Here is what they said about barriers and challenge for themselves and other pupils:
- “Sometimes I find things hard and I get angry. It’s up to me to change this. I go out with Mrs Roberts to discuss things with her and that’s really working.”
- “In maths I think of different methods in my journal.”
- “I extend my learning by writing an explanation.”
- “My teacher asks tricky questions. My teachers asks me to apply what I have learned to something different”
- “When I finish my work I am asked to up level it. I like to think outside outside the box”
- “Talk about things with Mrs Sears to make our friendships better”
Our pupils that are eligible for pupil premium funding face many barriers that affect their learning and general development.
These include:
- Limited access to language
- Poor literacy levels
- Poor attendance
- Low aspirations
- Low expectations
- Narrow experience of life outside school
- Difficulty being self-confident and resilient.
Pupil premium funding is used carefully and effectively to support the large numbers of disadvantaged pupils. A broad range of initiatives, including employing an attendance officer and a learning mentor, are helping to make sure that disadvantaged pupils make strong progress. In 2016, the overall progress that this group made by the time they left school was similar to that of other pupils nationally
February 2017