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Year Two

Our Class teacher is: Miss Gouldson.

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Price

HLTA: Mrs Kay (Thursday)



At Litherland Moss we have a values driven approach to learning. Below is the ‘Rainbow Pathway’ for our current curriculum focus in Science, Art and Geography.

This half-term in Science we are learning about different animals and how they are adapted to their habitats.

In Geography, we are going global and learning about the different countries, and their continents and practicing locating them on maps, globes and in atlases. The children love singing the continents' song in class! Seven Continents Song - YouTube

We are looking forward to practicing and expanding our drawing skills in art as we explore drawing, sketching and evaluating a range of inspiring pieces of art.

In English, our Ready Steady Write text this half-term is 'A River' by Marc Martin. We are discussing new language features and writing techniques found within the book to help the children mould their own story which they will write at the end of the half-term.

Important information

This half-term, children in Year 2 will be swimming on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure that children are prepared with all of their kit for this day. They will need a towel, swimming costume/swimming shorts and a swimming cap. Please note that the swimming baths have kindly requested for boys to come with swimming shorts as opposed to ‘surf shorts’.

Reading books will be changed on Fridays. We will send home 1 reading book each week to match their phonic ability. Below are some questions you can ask your child/children as they read to you.

Class Novel
We are reading ‘The Witches' by Roald Dahl this term and the children are loving learning about how to identify a witch as they aim to make all the children of the world disappear!

Image result for the witches


Creative homework projects will be set half termly. When set, it will be posted below. The children are encouraged to take more time on these projects and read more frequently at home. Regular reading helps children to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, and in turn, allows them to access the rest of the curriculum.

Spellings will also be given out on a Friday and need to be learnt for the following Friday when the children will do a spelling test. 

 Working at home

If you are looking for some extra work to do at home take a look at these websites. There are a range of fun activities for you to do.